Clinics We Offer

a stethoscope

NHS Services

We offer the full range of NHS core services free of charge to our registered patients. In addition, we offer a set of online tools for you to check which service is right for your symptoms, get immediate self-help advice, find out what other services can help you or send us an online consultation. It may help manage certain conditions, without the need to attend the surgery in person.

Nurse Practitioner Clinics

Our Nurse Practitioners have the extra training to enable them to deal with patients that in the past only a doctor would have been able to deal with.  They work as part of the Duty Team most days. When you ring in for an urgent appointment the Receptionist will ask for some brief details of your problem and you may be allocated an appointment with the Nurse Practitioner.  If they are not able to deal with your problem they will ask the Duty Doctor to see you. Our practice nurses are fully trained in minor illness; if your complaint is routine or of a minor nature then they can help. 

Treatment Room

Our Clinicians also provide routine dressings, removal of stitches.. There are specialist clinics for asthma, diabetes, coronary heart disease and epilepsy.  The nurses can also offer help and advice on minor illness, minor injury, emergency contraception and health promotion topics such as healthy eating and stopping smoking.

Cervical Smears

All the doctors within the practice are firmly committed to this test as an easy and painless means of detecting the very earliest signs of cancer of the cervix and they wish to persuade as many of our ladies as soon as possible to take advantage of this test.  Please make an appointment with the practice nurse.

Influenza Vaccinations

We actively promote this vaccination on all our over 65yr old and ‘At Risk’ patients.  We run a clinic, which normally falls around the end September - 1st two weeks of October each year.  Please look out for dates leading up to this campaign.


Should you require a blood test we have a Phlebotomist from the Lister Hospital running the clinic by appointment only.

remote monitoring

Remote Care Monitoring

If you have a long term condition e.g. Hypothyroidism and are not able to visit the surgery very easily you could consider accessing our remote care monitoring arrangements. 

Please ask at reception or call on 01438 364488 after 10am or you can e-mail on